Ready to Distribute?

Exclusive Distribution

Do you live outside of “ACX Approved” countries? Don’t want to deal with distributing yourself?

Go exclusive! We will upload and distribute your title to Audible, Amazon and ITunes.

You must be exclusive for 90 days. 90+ you can stay exclusive or move to wide distribution.

Reports and Royalties are sent Quarterly+60

85% of Received Royalties to you. 15% to Flock Distribution


Non-Exclusive Distribution

Ready to get your audiobook in over 50 retailers and libraries worldwide?

Reporting and Royalties are sent Quarterly+60.

80% Received Royalties to you. 20% to Flock Distribution

While we do have direct distribution with multiple retailers, Flock Distribution also uses ACX and Findaway to distribute as some retailers are exclusive with these distributors and royalty rates are typically higher through these sites.

Received Royalties vary depending on retailer and distribution option. Audible, Amazon, ITunes Exclusive received royalties is 40%. Your 85% is of that 40%. Wide retailers vary.

Meet the Team

  • Sarah Puckett


  • Krystyn Stefanu

    Vice President

  • Craig Hart

    Client Relations Manager